Mirvat Alasnag Chair of Scientific Committee

Wail Kashgari President fo Sacis

Khaled Al-Shaibi Member

Hani Alsergani Member

Faisal AlGoofi Member

Hussein Alamri Member

Saleh AlShalash Member

Nabeel Ismail Member

Mr. Wael Almutairi

Dr. Khaled Al-Shaibi

Dr. Owayed Al Shammeri

Dr. Khalid Alfaraidy

Dr. Giulio Guagliumi

Dr.Wayne Batchelor

Dr. Ali Al Shahrani

Dr. Rowa Attar

Dr. Omer Elamin

Dr. Mirvat Alasnag

Dr. Wael AlKashkari

Dr. Faisal AlQoofi

Prof. Nicholas Curzen

Dr. Hussein Alamri

Dr. Nabeel Ismaeil

Dr. Saleh AlShalash

Dr. Rasha Al-Bawardy

Dr. Nouf Alanazi

Dr. Sondos Samargandy

Dr. Mohammed AlOtaibi

Prof. Mohammed Arafah

Dr. Hussam Suradi

Dr. Khalid Aljohani

Dr. Waleed Alharbi

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All Hall will be equipped with:
– A laptop with Microsoft Windows 11 & Microsoft Office 2016
– AV Staff will help you in preparing your presentation and will be besides for any assistance.
– The LED Screens & Projectors are supporting HDMI Cables

Instructions for Speakers:
– All presentations should be saved on a USB flash memory.
– Please save presentations in PowerPoint 2013 or later.
– Make sure that all videos & pictures in the same file of presentation even if it’s embedded in the presentation file.
– If you have special kind of fonts, please provide us by the names of these fonts.
– We recommend to use QuickTime software for videos Conversion.
– Upload your presentation early (45 min before) to the Audio Visual Center (SACIS AV center) as we need to load the presentations to AV Server before the sessions.
– If you exceed the presentation period, the screen will be closed automatically.

Instructions for Chairpersons:

– Please attend the session rooms 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the time of the sessions you chair.
– Please introduce the speaker, state the presentation title for each speaker and remind him/her of the duration of his presentation.

*NOTE: If you have difficulty uploading the presentation, please come to our audiovisual center in Hotel Intercontinental 2 hours before your talk presentation, our audio-visual staff will assist you in uploading your talk.*

International Collaboration

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